Education, both religious and secular, is first and foremost the responsibility of parents. In a time of compulsory education laws and socialist state-sponsored humanist instruction, this truth is largely forgotten. Some good friends of mine have made the difficult decision to home school their children. They sometimes feel that they aren't included as full members of the community because they are “different,” but I admire their courage. For them, home school is a marvelous opportunity to teach their children in an environment of love and faith. While home school may not be the best option for every family, it certainly ensures that children will be educated according to the beliefs and traditions of parents, not the beliefs and traditions of the State.
“What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ.” -George Washington
It is impossible to truly understand the miracle that created the United States of America without first understanding that God was the author of it. Trying to explain the history of America without discussing divine guidance is like trying to explain the purpose of the interstate highway system without talking about cars. Since God cannot be discussed in our places of learning, our public schools have utterly failed to teach children about their American heritage and the faith of the founders that won the Revolutionary War.
"Posterity, which will reap the blessings, will scarcely begin to know of our sufferings." -Abigail Adams
The founders sacrificed much, some of them everything, for the freedoms we enjoy today. Revisionist historians who view the actions of the founders through the warped lens of modernity are often less interested in truth than in sensationalizing the weaknesses and frailties of men and women whom they ought to revere. The posterity that has been blessed by the courage and prayers of their forebears may not be able to fully understand the struggles of their ancestors, but parents can teach their children the story of America. The real America is not defined by openness and tolerance, diversity, multi-culturalism and godlessness. Rather, it is defined by religion, principle, morality and character. If parents fail to teach their children the importance of the American Revolution and the character and strength of the founders, their children will lack the understanding and motivation to resist the losses of freedom that will inevitably continue. Every child should know what America stands for and be prepared to defend this nation and its founders at a moment's notice.
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” -Thomas Jefferson
In a “state of civilization,” children should be taught the four R's: Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmatic, and REVOLUTION;. (A fifth R, Religion, should also be acknowledged and discussed in public schools, though the primary responsibility for religious education rightfully rests with parents and churches.)
Let us help preserve our “state of civilization” by teaching our children what George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Abigail Adams, Patrick Henry and other great men and women stood for and fought for in the war that created the freest nation on earth.
Let us teach our children that the price of freedom, once lost, is blood—and that price was paid over and over again by the builders of our nation.
Let us teach our children to defend their freedom before it slips away.
Let us teach our children to preserve their American heritage and pass it on to their children and grandchildren.
Let us teach our children the stories of America.
“Let us, before we die, gather up our heritage and offer it to our children.” -Will Durant
God bless the U.S.A.,
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The following are quotes from The Majesty of God's Law by W. Cleon Skousen, written August 15, 1994.
(President David O. McKay in 1967) said that a crisis was coming to America and the legal minds of the nation were not getting ready to deal with it
He indicated to me (Cleon Skousen) that the Founding Fathers knew this would happen …
I was surprised that they (the Founding Fathers) knew we would one day fulfill a prophecy of the ancient prophet, Moses: That in America we would one day practice the revealed code of righteous law given to the Israelites by God.
But as great as leaders of the nation turned out to be, they did not have a generation of what they called "virtuous people" who were ready and able to live under God's law. They said it would have to come some time in the future.
No one caught a greater vision of what God's law would do for a virtuous people than John Adams.
"Suppose a nation in some distant region, should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited.”
"In this commonwealth, no man would impair his health by gluttony, drunkenness, or lust -- no man would sacrifice his most precious time to cards, or any other trifling and mean amusement -- no man would steal or lie or [in] any way defraud his neighbor, but would live in peace and good will with all men -- no man would blaspheme his maker or profane his worship, but a rational and manly, a sincerely and unaffected piety and devotion, would reign in all hearts.... What a paradise this would be."[/quote]
In the dark hours through which the nation is now passing, there is a tangible shaft of light and hope. The Founders knew about it and only regretted that it would not happen in their day. But it could happen in our day -- after the cleansing.
The challenge in writing this book was my own humble attempt to try and put it all together so that anyone could see what the Founders saw.
Jefferson carefully compared the constitution of the Israelites with the laws of the Anglo-Saxons which were almost identical.
... the Founders were using the divine science of government revealed to the Israelites.
These people were the Anglo-Saxons.
Jefferson not only studied everything he could find out about these people who were the ancestors of most of the colonists, but he devoted many months to learning how to read the Anglo-Saxon language so that he could study their ancient principles of law and government from their original writings.
Where Did the Anglo-Saxons Come From?
According to the Saga(s) from the Anglo-Saxon oral history in Iceland, this people had originally lived in large numbers around the Black Sea until the first century BC. (This is the general area where the lost Ten Tribes of Israel lived until they disappeared.)
Their oral history, songs and tradition say that as a result of this migration they eventually settled in Germany and the Scandinavian countries.
Important to Jefferson (w)as the exciting fact that for centuries these people had been practicing many of the principles of government and law which God had given to Moses.
Impressed Jefferson … the fact that everywhere the Anglo-Saxons went, they established the highest order of government and law.
Professor Gilbert Chinard, one of the distinguished biographers of Jefferson states:
"Jefferson's great ambition at that time was to promote a renaissance of Anglo-Saxon primitive institutions on the new continent. Thus presented, the American Revolution was nothing but the reclamation of the Anglo-Saxon birthright of which the colonists had been deprived by a `long train of abuses.'
On August 13, 1776, Jefferson wrote to Edmund Pendleton of the Virginia legislature to urge him to help abolish the remnants of feudalism, and return to the "ancient principles" which carry with them a promise from God. He wrote:
"Are we not better for what we have hitherto abolished of the feudal system? Had not every restitution of the ancient Saxon laws had happy effect? Is it not better now that we return at once into that happy system of our ancestors, the wisest and most perfect and most perfect ever devised by the wit of man, as it stood before the eighth century.
But, of course, Jefferson was far ahead of his time -- perhaps a couple of centuries or more. But eventually, he knew it had to happen.
End of Quote.
How are we going to save the constitution, that is now hanging by a most frail of thread?
Jefferson seems to suggest that we would save the constitution, the basis of the Constitution, and fulfill the Law as we learned and lived how the ancient Anglo/Saxons had Worked Together By The LAW.
The only question for us is; are we that generation, are we ready to "Work Together By The Law?"
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